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  1. Even our application process will challenge the man to becoming a better Christian and man. The application is an instrument of sanctification when submitted under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  2. The Order of the Visible Kingdom will build a better man and the family, church, Kingdom, and culture will benefit from the Vi.King’s membership.
  3. While our modern society does not regard the tested, tried, and true man as having status like it did in the medieval Christendom, still earning these titles is a highly honorable achievement. When people call you “Sir” as a term of respect and courtesy, you can mentally know you that you have actually earned that term through blood, sweat, and tears.
  4. One of the greatest tools for the restoration of the Christian culture is daily family worship. For the many who do not have this practice in place, we will send out weekly guidelines for family worship.
  5. Another biblical mandate that has fallen into disrepair even among Christians is the responsibility to care for our elderly parents. We will provide the platform to discuss these issues toward viable solutions, and give our guidelines that have been tried and tested.
  6. If we are going to rebuild a Christian culture that is not trendy but one that will endure generationally, we must recover the theory and practice that the education of our children are one in the same as formal discipleship, taking all thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ and thinking God’s thoughts after Him. For those who choose to take this task on personally at home, we will build discussion formats and give guidelines for homeschooling.
  7. Finding a good man is hard to do these days. Every man who is admitted into the Order has gone through the same process as you. Therefore, we encourage every Vi.King to network with others in ways that are mutually beneficial. This may include potential job opportunities for our fellow Vi.Kings or apprenticeships for our sons, ministry opportunities to work together if we are geographically close, finding a local comrade in arms for support when you’re surrounding by softies, etc.
  8. Some men may find the challenges that we have set up and they have accomplished to be the impetus to propel them to rise up from being a follower to a leader. Some may have found the confidence to take on other challenges in life since they have accomplished our challenges. We pray that we are an agent of preparation of leaders for the next generation.
  9. All Vi.Kings will be given the opportunities to start or join open online forum for iron-sharpening-iron counsel in a variety of ways for introducing sound practices for rebuilding Christendom.
  10. We firmly believe that God is restoring biblical manhood, and this Order is a sign and testament to this fact. Membership verifies that you are an early adopter and can be in a place of leadership in the movement as it continues to the next generations.
  11. As we participate in Church and Kingdom service, we may find a passion that we would not have if we had never served in these areas before. Or perhaps, someone may see the invaluable contribution you make in these areas and prompt you into areas of greater responsibilities of Kingdom-building.
  12. We are men of caliber but imperfect. For these reasons, one of the most valuable things we offer in a forum of honesty and confidentiality, is a platform of accountability and confession.
  13. Our eventual plan is to have regional and/or national tournaments for the men to get together to demonstrate their skills in competition, to be encouraged by godly men bringing the Word as a sword, to learn new skills, and to create manly bonds of fellowship.